Welcome to another APARC Renewal – Project Update. In this issue we will re-cap the recent major developments and give you some insight into what will be happening in the coming weeks.
Outdoor Pool Landscaping
- New Synthetic grass has been laid and a larger, level area has been provided for members and guests to sit and enjoy the outdoor environment
- New turf has been laid on the upper level of the area. This is still being given some breathing space so it has the best opportunity to “take”. It is likely to be opened in 3 weeks’ time.
- New retaining walls have been installed creating a lovely feature for the outdoor space
- New shade sail umbrellas have been installed to keep you out of the sun on hotter days
- New bench seating – there will be more delivered over the next 2 weeks.
- The outdoor pool concourse has been sealed with a monotek surface. You may notice some cracks appearing, these will be repaired once the surface has sufficiently settled – they are on our radar.
- The hob is yet to be completely rendered – this is still to be completed
- The feature posts are currently being painted and some additional feature posts are yet to be installed
- A storage shed is also being built in the western corner
Western Family/Group/overflow change rooms
These are coming along extremely quickly with the external walls, plumbing and electrical almost complete. The plaster board sheeting will be brought in next week and in the next couple of weeks the epoxy flooring will go down. Watch out for some additional communications and safety isolations of this space.
Extension to Group Fitness Room, New Program Room and Dry Change Rooms
Upstairs – “Wellness Deck” (working title)
Work will commence on the upstairs “wellness deck” over the next 2 weeks. Some initial work will commence on Friday 17th of October which will mean that access to the current program room and cardio room will be via the stairs near the hydrotherapy pool. The stairs near the café will be closed for 2 weeks. Please see attached document for a temporary way finding map. Once reopened, works will have commenced on the consultation suites that will be utilised by Warner Avenue Physiotherapy and our Massage consultants.
Health Club and new entry to facility
You’ll start seeing steel work go up from Monday 20th of October. There will be some changes to the hoarding panels that are currently in place between the existing health club and the crèche to create room to build the health club extension.
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