Wednesday 30 July 2014

What a week it has been so far!

This week we have officially said goodbye to our old entry point and customer service desk. Rosie and the team have relocated themselves into the temporary portables while their new home is built. It was lovely to hear that one of the first questions the team were asked on Tuesday was if they were ok and if it was warm enough? We've definitely made sure of that!

So, the internal hoarding is now up at APARC and tomorrow the external hoarding will be going up. I've included some photos for those of you that haven't yet made your way to the facility. We'd love to see you soon as it is business as usual - the place just looks a little different and we all know that in the end it will all be well worth it!

Yours in health and happiness
Amanda Craven
Centre Manager

Friday 25 July 2014

Check out the Deck!

It's been another eventful week and it's been exciting to see the decking around our portables getting constructed. Everything is shaping up nicely for us to move in next week.

We also released the staging plans for Stage 1 and the external fencing. We drew up some plain speaking Fact Sheets to help everyone read the plans (a skill I'm still trying to master!).

I've included the descriptions below alongside the respective plans - let me know what you think!

Within the centre our three main focuses this week (in no particular order) have been:

1. Member Engagement throughout the Renewal 
Keep an eye out on our website and Facebook page for some of the initiatives we have in store to help our members feel part of the project.

2. Relocation of Rosie and the Customer Service Team
Rosie and the team started packing anything they could. They also took a tour of the portables and started mapping out the layout of their new home and how they were going to maintain the fantastic level of service you get every day.

3. Completing Risk Assessments and Safe work systems
We want to make sure that both visitors to the centre and staff are safe at all times during the works. One of the key focuses this week has been the changes that we are making to our Evacuation plans.

Now - onto the Staging and Hoarding plans!

Stage 1 Construction Plan Explained – Internal Hoarding

The following information is to be read alongside the Staging Construction Plan – Ashburton Pool & Recreation Centre – Stage 1 Works plan.

Temporary hoarding (walls) will be constructed commencing on the evening of Monday 28th July (outside of centre operational hours) – So, the centre will look a little different when you turn up on Tuesday 29th July. Please don’t be concerned, we will have staff on hand to help you find your way!

1.  Temporary portables have been constructed on the Outdoor Pool Deck. These will house:

                                                             1. APARC Customer Service desk
                                                             2. Warner Avenue Physiotherapy
                                                             3. APARC Remedial Massage

2.    The entry to the facility will no longer be through the sliding doors, you will now enter via the temporary portables and decking that has been constructed. Our friendly customer service staff will be there to greet you as per normal.

3.    Once you have swiped your membership card or paid for your activity, you will continue down the temporary decking and into the facility via the door that previously lead you to and from the outdoor pool.

4.    You will also notice some temporary hoarding near the Gym, Group Fitness room and at the far end of the Indoor 25m Pool. This hoarding is not anticipated to affect programming at all.

5.    The Outdoor Pool will also have some temporary fencing around the grassed area. Landscaping works will be undertaken behind the fencing. During our winter closure period 12pm – 4pm, concourse works will also commence.

Stage 1 Construction Plan Explained – External Hoarding

The following information is to be read alongside the Staging Construction Plan – Ashburton Pool & Recreation Centre – Stage 1 External Hoarding Works plan.
External hoarding will be established around the facility during the construction works. This is indicated in the plan by the thick blue line. Some of the changes that you will notice include:

   1.    Relocation of accessible (disabled) parking – 3 bays will be relocated to the first row of the car park bay. Parents with prams car parks will be relocated in the front row as well.

2.    A delivery compound will be established in the corner of the car park closest to the gym. This area will be inaccessible during construction periods but will be opened up outside of hours. (Indicated on map by small red dots).

3.    Warner Avenue access will be closed to allow for construction of pathways and ramp.

4.    Pedestrian crossing will be relocated so it matches the angle of the temporary entry.

5.    Temporary fencing will stretch along the Warner Avenue boundary of the facility. Temporary fencing will also enclose the construction company’s compound behind the stadium.

Temporary fencing will also be established around the external boundary of the outdoor pool to contain landscaping works, however, the outdoor pool will remain open as per the normal winter hours (closed 12pm – 4pm).

If you have any questions, comments - please feel free to add them below. 

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager

Friday 18 July 2014

Preparation Works started on a "high" this week!

Monday saw the start of the preparation works for the APARC Renewal Project and boy was it exciting!

We had a massive crane deliver our 3 new temporary portables on Tuesday. (see picture)

It was well executed and well supervised from an OH&S perspective with our Leadership Team being temporarily evacuated from their offices whilst the slew went over the top - Safety first! Now, what is a slew you ask? Well I had to get some assistance from my better educated colleagues but for the purpose of this blog, I've taken the info from good ol' Wikipedia : In Crane (machine) terminology, slew is angular movement of a crane boom or crane jib in a horizontal plane. 

You learn something new every day on a major construction project!

The construction crew are busily building a deck to accompany the portables - but what is it all for?

Well... The first portable is where our temporary customer service desk will be located. You'll get the same great service, just in a different location.

The second portable is for our friends at Warner Avenue Physiotherapy and the third portable is for our in house remedial massage team and to provide some temporary staff amenities whilst they are being worked on.

The Outdoor pool is still well and truly open and operating as normal. We are hoping to have the lap timer clock hooked up to the back of the portables next week when the electrician is back on site and thank everyone for their patience in entering via the indoor pool.

That's a wrap for week one. I'd love to hear from anyone via the comments section below or please feel free to email me directly if you would like a question answered or a topic discussed.

I hope to have a couple of the other members of the team blog from their perspective really soon.

Yours in Health and Happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Meeting with the Construction Company

Today it was great to meet with the two key staff from the construction company, 2Construct. I think that they are going to be great to work with and they come highly recommended from a number of people that have worked with them previously. They understand that we want to keep the centre running as much as possible and that our members love the facility and want to see the best outcome for this project.

Of note, they recently completed the Ashburton Library project and it looks fantastic.

You can check out some of their other work on their website:

We are just working through the finer details of the installation of our temporary reception, consult suites and staff room as well as the fencing and hoarding that will start appearing from next week.

If you haven't read it yet, please have a read of our first project update for more info on what you will see from the 14th July.

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

Saturday 5 July 2014

The council and state government boards are up

I love the boards that have been placed out the front of our centre. It does make things official - it is really starting.

One of them reads "Highly Valued Centre to be Renewed" I think this really captures the essence of APARC well. The number of people that have taken interest in this project and want to ensure that it is done well is a testament to the centre. The consultation phase was extensive and the final plans have captured and executed the community feedback perfectly.

The project is lucky enough to be receiving financial funding from both the City of Boroondara who own the facility ($12.4 million) and the State government through the Better pools funding ($3 million).

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

Friday 4 July 2014

We are underway!

Today we were able to officially announce that the APARC Renewal Project was ready to commence. After months of planning, consultation and refining, we are ready.

I am so excited to announce the project to the staff, patrons and the Ashburton community. It is going to be a tough project to manage but it is a challenge that I am looking forward to and a challenge that I know will have a great outcome!

As this is my first blog post (and my first ever blog) I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read it. I hope that through this blog, I can provide you with some insights into the project outside of the official communication channels.

I look forward to your comments and queries and to you all being a  part of this project.

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre