Friday 4 July 2014

We are underway!

Today we were able to officially announce that the APARC Renewal Project was ready to commence. After months of planning, consultation and refining, we are ready.

I am so excited to announce the project to the staff, patrons and the Ashburton community. It is going to be a tough project to manage but it is a challenge that I am looking forward to and a challenge that I know will have a great outcome!

As this is my first blog post (and my first ever blog) I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read it. I hope that through this blog, I can provide you with some insights into the project outside of the official communication channels.

I look forward to your comments and queries and to you all being a  part of this project.

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

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