Tuesday 8 July 2014

Meeting with the Construction Company

Today it was great to meet with the two key staff from the construction company, 2Construct. I think that they are going to be great to work with and they come highly recommended from a number of people that have worked with them previously. They understand that we want to keep the centre running as much as possible and that our members love the facility and want to see the best outcome for this project.

Of note, they recently completed the Ashburton Library project and it looks fantastic.

You can check out some of their other work on their website: www.2construct.com.au/

We are just working through the finer details of the installation of our temporary reception, consult suites and staff room as well as the fencing and hoarding that will start appearing from next week.

If you haven't read it yet, please have a read of our first project update for more info on what you will see from the 14th July.

Yours in health and happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

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