Friday 18 July 2014

Preparation Works started on a "high" this week!

Monday saw the start of the preparation works for the APARC Renewal Project and boy was it exciting!

We had a massive crane deliver our 3 new temporary portables on Tuesday. (see picture)

It was well executed and well supervised from an OH&S perspective with our Leadership Team being temporarily evacuated from their offices whilst the slew went over the top - Safety first! Now, what is a slew you ask? Well I had to get some assistance from my better educated colleagues but for the purpose of this blog, I've taken the info from good ol' Wikipedia : In Crane (machine) terminology, slew is angular movement of a crane boom or crane jib in a horizontal plane. 

You learn something new every day on a major construction project!

The construction crew are busily building a deck to accompany the portables - but what is it all for?

Well... The first portable is where our temporary customer service desk will be located. You'll get the same great service, just in a different location.

The second portable is for our friends at Warner Avenue Physiotherapy and the third portable is for our in house remedial massage team and to provide some temporary staff amenities whilst they are being worked on.

The Outdoor pool is still well and truly open and operating as normal. We are hoping to have the lap timer clock hooked up to the back of the portables next week when the electrician is back on site and thank everyone for their patience in entering via the indoor pool.

That's a wrap for week one. I'd love to hear from anyone via the comments section below or please feel free to email me directly if you would like a question answered or a topic discussed.

I hope to have a couple of the other members of the team blog from their perspective really soon.

Yours in Health and Happiness

Amanda Craven
Centre Manager
Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre

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